Opening Words
Welcome everyone on this beautiful summer day to marriage ceremony of Bride's Full Name & Groom's Full Name. You know, summer and weddings are synonymous. Summer is a wonderful season. As a child, I remember the first day of summer vacation - it was full of excitement, hopes, and dreams for what the following summer would bring, and indeed, even as adults, we enjoy summer as a time when life slows down a bit, and becomes a little bit more carefree - it's a time to step away from our worries and stressors and drink in the joy of life! And, a wedding is wonderful in much the same way! Like the first day of a summer vacation, Groom & Bride are full of hopes, dreams, and excitement as they embark on the first day of their journey together as a married couple. And, like summer, a wedding is a day to step away from life's worries and stressors, to slow down a bit and drink in the joy of a new married life. So yes, today, right now, let's step away from our worries, and prepare to celebrate fully and freely with Bride & Groom as they take their vows of marriage.
Expression of Intent
{Now, Groom & Bride will make public their intention to marry.}
Do you, Groom, take Bride to be your lawful, wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise to protect her, to honor her, and to cherish her in adversity as well as in prosperity, and to keep yourself unto her alone so long as you both shall live?
Groom: I do!
Do you, Bride, take Groom to be your lawful, wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise to protect him, to honor him, and to cherish him in adversity as well as in prosperity, and to keep yourself unto him alone so long as you both shall live?
Bride: I do!
{And now Groom and Bride will recite their wedding vows}
Groom, please repeat after me...
Bride, you are my best friend, my true love, the sun that shines in my life, the other half that makes me whole. You give me comfort, unconditional love, and the security to be myself. You make me laugh and feel alive. With you, every day is summer, and I am happy to begin and end each day with you. With you, I am complete, and today, I take you as my wife.
Bride, please repeat after me...
Groom, you are my best friend, my true love, the sun that shines in my life, the other half that makes me whole. You give me comfort, unconditional love, and the security to be myself. You make me laugh and feel alive. With you, every day is summer, and I am happy to begin and end each day with you. With you, I am complete, and today, I take you as my husband.
Blessing of the Rings
Rings are an ancient symbol, beautiful and simple. Circles - for love that is given comes back around. Round like the sun, like a perfect pearl, like arms that embrace. Therefore, may these symbols remind you that your love, like the sun, illuminates; that your love, like the pearl, grows in luster; and that your love, like arms that embrace, is a grace upon this world. May you wear them in peace and deepening love.
Exchange Of The Rings
{And now, Groom & Bride will exchange their wedding rings}
Groom, please repeat after me...
I give you this ring as a symbol that I am bound to you always, through my love, and with all my heart.
Bride, please repeat after me...
I give you this ring as a symbol that I am bound to you always, through my love, and with all my heart.
Sand Ritual
{Now, Bride and Groom will perform what is called the Sand Ritual...}
Groom & Bride, you have just sealed your relationship by the giving and receiving of rings. And this covenant is a relationship pledge between two people who agree that they will commit themselves to one another throughout their lives. The most beautiful example of this partnership is the marriage relationship. You have committed here today to share the rest of your lives with each other. Today, this relationship is symbolized through the pouring of these two individual containers of Sand into one. One container representing you, Groom, and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be, and the other representing you, Bride, and all that you were, and all that you are, and all that you will ever be. As these two containers of Sand are poured into the third container, the individual containers of Sand will no longer exist. Groom & Bride, please pour your individual containers of Sand into the third container.
[Bride and Groom pour Sand into container]
Bride & Groom, just as these grains of Sand can never be separated and poured again into their individual containers, so will your marriage be.
Pronouncement of Marriage
{At this time we come to the Pronouncement of Marriage. The Pronouncement is my public, and legal, proclamation that Bride and Groom are married. It is the exact moment of Marriage...}
Groom and Bride, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by your vows, the giving of your rings, and the pouring of sand, I now declare you to be husband and wife.
Permission to Kiss
Congratulations, you may kiss!
Good Wishes
We wish you the best of luck in your marriage as you create a new home together. May your hearts be filled with the happiness of hope. May all of your dreams come true. And may the summer sun forever shine upon you and warm your hearts until they glow like a great fire so that others may feel the warmth of your love for one another.
Presentation of the New Couple
Ladies and gentlemen, It is my pleasure to present to you...
Mr. & Mrs. _________________________