Muslim Theme
Wedding Ceremony

This is our Pre-Written Muslim Wedding Ceremony. Text in italics are words spoken by the Bride & Groom or Ceremony participants other than the Celebrant. Text in { } are words spoken by the Celebrant to the guests, and generally explain what is happening or about to happen in the Ceremony. Text in [ ] are actions by the Bride & Groom, Celebrant, or other Ceremony participants. All other text are words spoken by the Celebrant directly addressing the Bride & Groom, and/or the guests.


Opening Words
Welcome! Today we are uniting Groom's Full Name and Bride's Full Name as husband and wife in the sacred bond of marriage. May this union be blessed by Almighty God and filled with His divine benevolence.

Opening Prayer
{Let us bless this joyous union with prayer}
Praise be to God, the Lord of all being, You alone we serve and to You alone we come for aid. Guide us in the straight path, the path of those whom You have blessed, and bless Bride and Groom with a loving, healthy, and happy marriage. Amen.

The following is a reading called "In One Another's Souls" by Sufi mystic and poet Rumi
The moment I heard my first love story I began seeking you, not realizing the search was useless. Lovers don't meet somewhere along the way. They're in one another's souls from the beginning.

Expression of Intent
{Now, Groom & Bride will make public their intention to marry.}
Groom, do you here in the presence of God and these witnesses declare your commitment to Bride and choose her as the one with whom you wish to spend your life? Do you give yourself to her and accept the gift of self which she gives to you? Do you pledge to endure all the difficulties which life may offer, even as you look forward to sharing the joys to be experienced together?
Groom: I do!

Bride, do you here in the presence of God and these witnesses declare your commitment to Groom and choose him as the one with whom you wish to spend your life? Do you give yourself to him and accept the gift of self which he gives to you? Do you pledge to endure all the difficulties which life may offer, even as you look forward to sharing the joys to be experienced together?
Bride: I do!

{And now Groom and Bride will recite their wedding vows}
Groom, please repeat after me...
I Groom, offer myself in marriage to you Bride. I sincerely and honestly pledge to be a faithful and helpful husband to you, as long as we both shall live.

Bride, please repeat after me...
I Bride, offer myself in marriage to you Groom. I sincerely and honestly pledge to be a faithful and helpful wife to you, as long as we both shall live.

Blessing of the Rings
The Qur'an describes husbands and wives in this way: "They are garments for you, and you are garments for them." In this verse, a garment is used symbolically as something that gives a person physical warmth, protection, and comfort. Ideally, this is what a husband and wife offer each other.
In much the same way, your wedding rings are symbolic. They are not only symbolic of the physical connection between you; they also reflect the spiritual bond that joins you, and they are a symbol of your endless love for one another. May you wear them in peace.

Exchange Of The Rings
{And now, Groom & Bride will exchange their wedding rings}
Groom, please repeat after me...
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.

Bride, please repeat after me...
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.

Gold Coin Ritual
{In Muslim marriages, gold coins are an important part of the wedding day in several different ways. To symbolize the importance of these coins, Groom and Bride will now celebrate what we call the Gold Coin Ritual.}

[The Page (a child) brings a coin (wrapped in silk) to the Groom and places it in his hands.]

This gold coin, wrapped in silk, is a symbol of the care that Groom and Bride will give in order for their home to have everything it needs. It is also a sign of the blessings of God and all the good things they will share together.
God, may this coin be a symbol of mutual help throughout their lives. Provide them with all they need for their home. We give you thanks for all the good things they are going to share because of your many blessings. Amen.

[Groom ties the coin to the Bride's right wrist]

Groom, please repeat after me...
Groom: Bride, receive this coin, as a symbol of my dedication in caring for our home and providing for our family's necessities.

Bride, please repeat after me...
Bride: Groom, I accept your gift of dedication, and I promise on my part that everything provided will be used with care for the benefit of our home and family.

Pronouncement of Marriage
{At this time we come to the Pronouncement of Marriage. The Pronouncement is my public, and legal, proclamation that Bride and Groom are married. It is the exact moment of Marriage...}
Groom and Bride, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in marriage, have promised your love for each other by your vows, the giving of your rings, and the exchange of a gold coin, I now declare you to be husband and wife.

Permission to Kiss
Congratulations, you may kiss!

May these vows and this marriage be blessed. May this marriage be full of laughter, every day a day in paradise. May this marriage be a sign of compassion, a seal of happiness here and hereafter. May this marriage have a fair face and a good name, and may God grant you health, success and prosperity.

Presentation of the New Couple
Ladies and gentlemen, It is my pleasure to present to you...
Mr. & Mrs. _________________________
