Hindu Theme
Wedding Ceremony

This is our Pre-Written Hindu Wedding Ceremony. Text in italics are words spoken by the Bride & Groom or Ceremony participants other than the Celebrant. Text in { } are words spoken by the Celebrant to the guests, and generally explain what is happening or about to happen in the Ceremony. Text in [ ] are actions by the Bride & Groom, Celebrant, or other Ceremony participants. All other text are words spoken by the Celebrant directly addressing the Bride & Groom, and/or the guests.


Opening Words
Welcome! We are gathered here to join Bride's Full Name and Groom's Full Name in marriage.
In Hinduism, every auspicious occasion including weddings, begins with an invocation to God. Blessings are sought for a ceremony that will be free from impediments and for a marriage free from all hardships and obstacles. In what is called the Ganesh Pooja, God's grace is invoked for the health, happiness, prosperity, and peace of the bride and groom and their families. I will now recite this holy prayer...

Opening Prayer
Unborn, absolute, and formless Thou art,
Beyond bliss and yet infinite bliss Thou art,
From attributes and desires Thou art free.
O Supreme Spirit, we worship thee.

This reading is called "When a Man and a Woman Are in Love" by Stephen T. Fader.
His life lies within hers and her life lies within his. Each lives as an individual, yet they also live for one another. Each strives for independent goals, but they also work together to achieve their dreams. They will give to one another what they need to survive and help fulfill each other's wants. They will turn one another's disappointment into satisfaction. They will turn one another's frustration into contentment. They will work as a mirror, reflecting to each other their strengths and weaknesses. They will work together to alleviate the emotional walls that may separate them. They will work together to build a better understanding of one another. They will learn to lean on each other, but not so much as to be a burden on the other. They will learn to reach out to one another, but not so much as to suffocate the other. They will learn when it is time to speak and when it is time to listen. They will be there to comfort each other in times of sorrow. They will be there to celebrate together in times of happiness. They will be one another's friend, guiding each other to the happiness that life holds. They will be one another's companion, facing together the challenges that life may present. When a man and a woman are in love, his life lies within hers and her life lies within his. Together they will love one another for the rest of their lives and forever.

Expression of Intent
{Now, Groom & Bride will make public their intention to marry.}
Groom, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife, to share your life with her, and do you pledge that you will love, honor, and care for her in tenderness and affection through all the experiences of your lives?
Groom: I do!
Bride, do you take this man to be your wedded husband, to share your life with him, and do you pledge that you will love, honor, and care for him in tenderness and affection through all the experiences of your lives?
Bride: I do!

{In Hindu tradition, the Groom and Bride participate in what is called the Seven Steps to symbolize the beginning of their journey through life together. The seven steps that Groom and Bride will walk around the Sacred Fire represent seven principles and promises to each other. In essence, they are equal to our traditional wedding vows. It is said that if the Bride and Groom walk seven steps together, they will become lifelong friends.}
[Couple go to the Sacred Fire]

Groom and Bride, take the 1st step:
[Couple take their first step]
May this couple be blessed with an abundance of resources and comforts, and be helpful to one another in all ways.

Take the 2nd step:
[Couple take their second step]
May this couple be strong and complement one another.

Take the 3rd step:
[Couple take their third step]
May this couple be blessed with prosperity and riches on all levels.

Take the 4th step:
[Couple take their fourth step]
May this couple be eternally happy.

Take the 5th step:
[Couple take their fifth step]
May this couple be blessed with a happy family life.

Take the 6th step:
[Couple take their sixth step]
May this couple live in perfect harmony... true to their personal values and their joint promises.

Take the 7th step:
[Couple take their seventh step]
May this couple always be the best of friends.

[Bride & Groom put their hands on each other's hearts and say...]
Groom: We have taken the seven steps.
Bride: May our hearts be joined as one.
Groom: I give you my heart.
Bride: May my heart be forever yours and your heart forever mine.
Groom: I am the words and you are the melody.
Bride: I am the melody and you are the words.
Groom: You are thought and I am sound.
Bride: We are word and meaning united.
Groom: Do not live without me.
Bride: Hereafter, I cannot live without you.
Groom: I take you as my wife.
Bride: I take you as my husband.
Groom: I have become yours.
Bride: You have become mine forever.
Groom: We have become partners.
Bride: Let us share the joys.

Blessing of the Rings
The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. It is an outward sign of an inward and spiritual bond, which unites two hearts in endless love.

Exchange Of The Rings
{And now, Groom & Bride will exchange their wedding rings}
Groom, please repeat after me...
I give you this ring with the promise that I will love you and keep my heart open to you all the days of my life.

Bride, please repeat after me...
I give you this ring with the promise that I will love you and keep my heart open to you all the days of my life.

Hindu Handfasting Ritual
[Celebrant takes a simple string and drapes it over Bride and Groom's hands]

God whom all scripture praises has ruled that Groom and Bride become husband and wife. May the Divine Spirit bear witness to this. Now, by holding hand in hand, may they live together in happiness, keep one another company, and grow old together with love, compassion, and peace.

[Celebrant removes string]

Pronouncement of Marriage
{At this time we come to the Pronouncement of Marriage. The Pronouncement is my public, and legal, proclamation that Bride and Groom are married. It is the exact moment of Marriage...}
Now that you, Groom, and you, Bride, have promised to give yourselves to one another and to love each other through the seven steps, the giving and receiving of your rings, and the binding of your hands, I pronounce you husband and wife.

Permission to Kiss
Congratulations, you may kiss!

May perfection prevail on all. May peace prevail on all. May contentment prevail on all. May auspiciousness prevail on all. Peace be in the heavens, in the sky, and on earth, May peace come to you Bride & Groom, and to us all.

Presentation of the New Couple
Ladies and gentlemen, It is my pleasure to present to you...
Mr. & Mrs. _________________________


A Short Hindu Wedding Ceremony
Hindu & Indian Wedding Vows And Wedding Readings
Hindu Wedding Traditions
Hindu Wedding Program Templates
Wedding Ceremonies for Feminists: The Hindu Wedding