Buddhist Theme
Wedding Ceremony

This is our Pre-Written Buddhist Wedding Ceremony. Text in italics are words spoken by the Bride & Groom or Ceremony participants other than the Celebrant. Text in { } are words spoken by the Celebrant to the guests, and generally explain what is happening or about to happen in the Ceremony. Text in [ ] are actions by the Bride & Groom, Celebrant, or other Ceremony participants. All other text are words spoken by the Celebrant directly addressing the Bride & Groom, and/or the guests.


Opening Words
Welcome! We are gathered here with the deepest reverence to bring together into perfect matrimony Bride's Full Name and Groom's Full Name. May this couple be lastingly faithful to the vows they make today. May they love and respect one another, help each other in stress and difficulty, keep themselves pure in mind and body, and encourage each other in the promotion of all virtues. Thus spoke Buddha: "the greatest happiness which a man or woman can imagine is the bond of marriage that ties two loving hearts together. But there's a greater happiness still: it is the embrace of Truth."

Opening Prayer
Let us pray... We offer our prayers for all living beings, weak or strong, small or large, seen or unseen, those dwelling far or near, those who are born, and those who are yet to be born. May all beings, without exception, know joy such as we know here today. Amen.

This reading is taken from the Metta Sutta, also known as the Buddha's Discourse on Loving Kindness.
This is what should be done by the man and woman who are wise, who seek the good, and who understand the place of peace. Let them be devout, upright and sincere, without conceit, easily contented and joyous, free from cares; let them not be overwhelmed by the things of the world; let them not take upon themselves the burden of worldly goods; let their senses be controlled; allow them to be wise but not arrogant, and allow them to not desire great possessions even for their families. Let them do nothing that is contemptible or that the wise would admonish. May all beings be happy and at ease. May they be blessed and live in safety. Let none deceive another or detest any being in any state. Let none by anger or ill-will wish misfortune to another. Even as a mother watches over and protects her only child, so with a unbounded mind should one cherish all living beings, radiating friendliness over the whole world, above, below, and all around without limit. So allow them to cultivate a boundless good will toward all the world, unlimited, free from ill-will and enmity. Standing or walking, siting or lying down, during all their waking hours, allow them to establish this mindfulness of goodwill, which is the supreme state.

Expression of Intent
{Now, Groom & Bride will make public their intention to marry.}
Groom, do you come here freely and without reservation to enter into marriage with Bride? Do you promise to devote yourself completely to her, with body, speech, and mind, in wealth or poverty, in health or sickness, in happiness or adversity, in every situation in this life?
Groom: I do!

Bride, do you come here freely and without reservation to enter into marriage with Groom? Do you promise to devote yourself completely to him, with body, speech, and mind, in wealth or poverty, in health or sickness, in happiness or adversity, in every situation in this life?
Bride: I do!

{And now Groom and Bride will recite their wedding vows}
Groom, please repeat after me...
Bride, I pledge to help you to develop your heart and mind, and to cultivating generosity, ethics, enthusiasm, concentration and wisdom as time passes and we undergo the various ups and downs of life. I promise to transform our difficulties into the path of love, compassion, and joy. I pledge to preserve and enrich my appreciation for you, and to be patient, kind, and true. I say these things with all my heart as this day I take you as my wife.

Bride, please repeat after me...
Groom, I pledge to help you to develop your heart and mind, and to cultivating generosity, ethics, enthusiasm, concentration and wisdom as time passes and we undergo the various ups and downs of life. I promise to transform our difficulties into the path of love, compassion, and joy. I pledge to preserve and enrich my appreciation for you, and to be patient, kind, and true. I say these things with all my heart as this day I take you as my husband.

Blessing of the Rings
These rings are circles, and are symbolic of the sun, the earth, and the universe. Like arms that embrace, these wedding rings you give to each other this day reflect the circle of shared love into which you enter as partners in life. As you wear them, may you always abide in peace and love.

Exchange Of The Rings
{And now, Groom & Bride will exchange their wedding rings}
Groom, please repeat after me...
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion.

Bride, please repeat after me...
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion.

Buddhist Handfasting Ritual
[Celebrant invites parents up to tie a Mala, the Buddhist Rosary around the wrists of the couple]
Nothing happens without a cause. The union of this couple has not come about accidentally. Therefore, this tie cannot be broken or dissolved. To say these words is easy. But difficult times will come as surely as the night. When things go joyously, be compassionate. And, when things go badly, be compassionate. May your hands have the power to hold on during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. May you see them as healer, protector, shelter, and guide. May they remain tender and gentle as they uphold each other in their wondrous love. And may your hands continue building a relationship founded in love, rich in caring, and devoted to reaching your dreams.

[Parents untie wrists of Bride and Groom]

Pronouncement of Marriage
{At this time we come to the Pronouncement of Marriage. The Pronouncement is my public, and legal, proclamation that Bride and Groom are married. It is the exact moment of Marriage...}
Groom and Bride, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by your vows, the giving of your rings, and the binding of your hands, you are now pronounced husband and wife.

Permission to Kiss
Congratulations, you may kiss!

May you know joy and the source of joy. May you know love, as everyone wishes to know love. May you be free from distress, and be strong and healthy. May you be safe and shielded from inner and outer harm. Go now in loving kindness and compassion. And Sarva Mangalam... May everything in your life be auspicious.

Presentation of the New Couple
Ladies and gentlemen, It is my pleasure to present to you...
Mr. & Mrs. _________________________


Buddhist Style Wedding Ceremony